I was noted by her own personality but never ever noticed she's actually love to report every single little story.
Even I wasn't in the scenario but I do felt kinda annoyed because why such little small thing u also have to report?
Issit really a necessarily? **SPEECHLESS**

How many comment of tthem alrdy from client about her personalities? "not the cases I mentioned here."
And the other hand of the way they doing things was like "business ain't that important"

I just unlike half of her personalities which being too stone age minded.
She believes in god very much and so she was super honest & follow orders.
She tread client is just client.

What I always do is "opened one eye closed one eye"
They dun wan the business...I carried on myself if possible.
This is 1 of the practices I gained my own client's trust.
Most of the time I made/tread client/boss become friends of mine in life.

Drawn something even new these 2 day_Construction drawing
Kinda challenging because I know nothing at the beginning but after some guidance's I've done such drawing for 2nd try out.

Movie?Friday? Answer is "NO"
Saturday? After work? or Nite? Answer is still "NO"
Sunday? Sry answer is after 3pm
Because Friday, I will be at WLS from 4.00-11.00 pm.
As for saturday, once after work I'll be going for WLS again from 4.00-10.30 pm.
Same as sunday, I will be going WLS too from 8.00am - 3.00 pm.
Not sure if there is extra hang out with M & C on sunday.

Moving on with new client brochures / catalog design.Possibly template sample needed by this week?!
Here comes a busy / full week.


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