
my spirit my soul

Where are you
Where have you been lately
Where did you fly
When will you come back

Where did you hidden your happiness
Where did you locked your glum
How can you find it

Where am I
Am I lost
I felt like being in the jungle
Looking at thousands of trees
Cant sense any melodies from nature
Moving without direction
Nobodies heard my echo

There’s volcano on my way
There’s waterfall on my backway
There’s thorns on my left
And there’s cliff on my right

Where way will you go
I don’t felt moving into any of these direction
But I don’t like staying
And we can’t fly

I am breathing
But couldn’t felt my heartbeat
I can feel my foot
But I don’t feel I’m walking
I saw something
But I think its just illusion
I heard something
But I can’t remember what I heard

Who willing to adventure with me
To summon back our poor soul

Ytdy I'm not excited with any workout
But excited with removing the needle steel which consume 1 hour +
Seriously, What's wrong with me?

When I started creating any poem
Mean I'm abnormal
I need more travelling
To relax & explore
To adventure new challenge
To vast my vision
To expand my knowledge


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